01 April 2014

Lanzarote 31/03/2014

The overnight voyage was a short one.  We docked at 0730 - it was still dark.  Today we took in the sights of the island of Lanzarote (Canary Islands).  This is very unique place.  The entire island is the result of volcanic activity and the landscape is reflective of that.  With very little native vegetation, it somewhat resembles a moonscape in places.
We caught a taxi which took us on a 3 hour excursion from the capital, Arricife to the Timinfaya National Park.  The national park is the home of Mt Timinfaya an inactive volcano.  A series of eruptions which lasted 6 years from 1730 pretty much shaped the landscape we saw today.  It's amazing to drive through the hills and valleys formed from the molten rock up close and personal.
There are over 120 vents that have erupted at one time or another.  This very arid island sees about 50mm of rain per year.  The water supply is from a desalination plant and is not suitable for drinking.  Drinking water is via bottled water from the supermarket.

Amid this dry climate, their main agriculture is a wine industry.  The vines are grown in black volcanic sand.  Their main source of economic income is tourism with 3 or 4 ships per week dropping in.
We were blown away by the experience.  Then this arvy, we strolled around the city centre which is about a 5 minute taxi ride from the port.  It's a stark contrast with the mountains and their harshness.  The city centre is a tourist resort feel with beautiful aqua coloured waters and very clean streets.

All aboard by 1830 and sailed off toward Casablanca.  We're due to arrive there on Wednesday 2nd April at 0700.  I have to say, we have spent 2 days in these islands and we haven't seen any small yellow birds anywhere!!! Just sayin'.