Not much to talk about today other than that we saw a lot of white lines and straight roads. Some dramatic changes in landscape along the way.
There are a lot of WWII historical sites up this way which I guess is to be expected.
Also can't get over the number of vans, campers and motorhomes in the NT. I'd hazard a guess that only about 25% of the vehicles that we have encountered have been single vehicles.
We've had the privilege of having our own defence force escort since Camooweal yesterday. A convoy of Army trucks has been keeping pace with us for two days. I think we've overtaken them at least six times. Then they get to overtake us when we're having a break and so it goes around. We noticed them at Katherine again this afternoon when we got here. However, we'll part ways tomorrow as we head west - I expect they'll go North.
We stopped into Mataranka to have a dip in the Thermal Pools. It was very nice but probably would have been more welcoming if the temperature was in the teens rather than the 30's.
While we were enjoying our dip, some grub nicked the cover off our van's hot water vent.
Ha! Funny thing happened tonight...
Judy was catching up with some washing and was digging in the peg bag. We have a plastic bag to carry clothes pegs in. It turns out that Les thought it was a rubbish bag and had been throwing his empty beer cans in it. Our pegs and washing will probably smell like a brewery now - Thanks Les.

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